Monday, April 21, 2008

This pic cracks me up. If it were a red-haired woman instead of a dog, it would look just like my friend V's pic on the firm's website. She was a little, um, pissed that we have to had our pics made for the firm Intranet so she gave exactly this smile! I plan to email it to her eventually - after she has recovered from being so mad that we had to do pictures.

I don't know why I keep posting when noone is reading but hey - maybe one day somebody will accidentally stumble across this blog and read it?!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Animations - angry barbarianThis was me yesterday. Work was so stressful - get this motion out, get ths discovery done, get these letters faxed. What? I want to eat lunch? How dareI? I have been there for 7 months and yesterday, I just had myself a little "moment". Let's face it - sometimes in life, you just lose your cool and make an ass of YOURSELF and yesterday was my turn....I NEED SOME MERLOT!!