Saturday, June 21, 2008

One of my favorite pics. Can you believe I took it with my camera phone?!! It's from the deck of my (sick) sister's lake place. I was tired of sitting inside watching hour after hour of tv. There really isn't much to do up there if you don't ride a boat of some sort (which I don't cuz they stay out for HOURS and I am not into that)and any time we tried to talk, Dee would have us "turn the tv up louder." It was a beautiful day and yet one of the most boring days I've ever had. But I did get a pretty picture as I sat outside on the deck.

This cute fellow is Ozzie. He is my son's new pup. Ozzie has some Snauchser (however you spell it) and a little Husky in him. Trust me, he acts like an Ozzie but he looks like a Stewart. SDS went bonkers when I said name him Stewart (I have NO idea why) so now we have a poopy named Ozzie!

This is my nephew, the cop, in his U-G-L-Y Auburn University shirt. He's an Auburn grad (following the steps of my dad and after my nephew, my neice went there. They have all walked away from the light of Alabama - ROLL TIDE!). He insists on wearing ugly orange shirts, just like my buddy Shawn. That's okay, we have a REAL coach now and all Auburn fans are looking over their shoulders! Hee hee.

I told RMan today I was tired of being on the bottom of the list. I told him I doubt I am even on his list. Last Sat we were supposed to go out. He TEXTED me to tell me he was working (he was, but still) he TEXTED me. I was most unhappy. This weekend, of course, now it's something with the motorcycle. His son crashed and broke the drive belt. You know what? That was Wed night. They all stayed at the Omelet Shoppe until 12 a.m. chatting Wed night but he does NOT have time for me on a Saturday?

I told him to come get his puppy (Ozzie's sister is supposed to be his) and just have a good weekend without me. I'm through. I officially give up. I'll be the old lady that dies with her dog by her side..hee hee. At least Ozzie loves me?! And Ozzie does know how to give moose kisses! (those are licks, by the way, not real kisses!)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm bummed

my saying for this week. Now, I know my source of joy is my relationship with Christ but we're all human and we all get down. I have had the toughest week of my life at work. I actually had to sit down and decide if I was going to go to worktoday.

The 2nd in command's sec is an overwhelmed redneck bitch who cannot do her job. She moved down from Tennessee claiming to be a legal goddess but she doesn't know jack. Yesterday, my boss sent me over to ask her a very simple question and she jumped down my throat and cussed me out. I told her, very calmly, well, let's get my boss on the phone and you can tell him what you just said to me. Only, as freaking always, he is on the phone. More cussing from her and more chewing out. I finally laughed in her face and said "girl - you better find you another job cuz you can't handle the one you've got." she dog cussed me some more. i start to walk off but i turn around, look at her and said in my most meanest voice "and don't you EVER talk to me again like you just did. Your ass can't handle your job and that's not MY fault."

Well - she sent an email to her boss and demanded a meeting with him for today (the day after). He's busy, doesn't want to be bothered and didn't respond to her email. She sent it before she left yesterday and just assumed he had rushed to read it. Well, he hadn't.

This morning she comes in all dolled up and fashionably late - trying to trick him into thinking she has a job interview. She even tells the other staff that is what she's doing. Well, he finally reads her email at lunch, says nothing to her or acknowledges it and goes about his work. He does tell my boss he is m-a-d and doesn't even want to speak to her right now.

She's giving him until Monday and on Monday she's going to DEMAND he make her happy (sorry, just typing that makes me laugh until I cry. DEMAND from a seasoned attorney who is 2nd on the letterhead. Well, good luck with THAT.) Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

When my boss came in this morning, I tell him (instead of hiding behind an email) that we need to talk. I tell him exactly what she said yesterday and exactly what I said back and why I said it. He tells me not to worry about it. See, I know he and the 2nd cheese will talk about this either on Friday or Monday. My boss deserves more respect than she showed on Wednesday (she had a few choice names for him) and my boss also knows - I man up. I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

She can NOT do that job. She is a psycho bitch. (okay, i just said that here - not at work.) It's time for her to move on. Pray hard - we have a good firm and we don't need Satan in our midst. It's hard enough having attorneys (God knows alot have sold their souls but my 2 haven't).

THAT was just Wednesday...tomorrow we'll cover Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So I'm working this week on stopping to smell the roses. I don't do too well with it - I am type A from the word "go". I get frustrated easily because there is so much stress in my life with family illnesses and then...

RMan tells me today I have deciphered some comments he has made lately incorrectly. But he won't tell me what they are. I HATE THAT. Monday he was supposed to come eat dinner - couldn't, worked late. Tuesday he was supposed to come eat dinner - couldn't, worked late. Ditto for tonight although he calls at 6:30PM and actually is off and on his way home. Personally, I figured if he wanted to eat with me, tonight would have been the night. Now, we have a date for Sunday so it's not that I won't see him; I just don't understand why he hasn't been over (well, I do for Mon and Tues night).

All I can think to do is not ask him to dinner during the week anymore. I mean, why bother? I am going on the assumption that I'll see him on weekends and that's it. Now, that is fine but if that is what he wants, why doesn't he tell me instead of making plans that he cancels? He always calls while he's working late but I just don't understand.

Anywho, next week I start a training class to learn to teach illiterate adults to read and write. It's a 3 week training program and then for 6 months, 2 hours per week, I will tutor someone. I know that's a long commitment but I am hoping I get someone who really wants to learn and will let me teach them and that way, we both make a difference in each other's lives.

And I guess I'll plan some stuff for a couple of other nights and then if RMan asks, my answer will be, "got plans". I don't get it but I guess it's still a game, even at our age and I'll just have to play it.