Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nothi' But Rain

Every week at work I post a different "funny" on my office wall by my computer. This week will be Maxine!! This is SO me in the morning time. One of my bosses is a morning person - he comes and talks to me in the morning. He gives me work - in the morning. He says hello and how are you - in the morning. I want to shoot him - in the morning!

These are some friends of my son. I have no clue who they are - not because I am a disinterested mother but getting me to remember someone's name is like winning the argument of which came first - the chicken or the egg. It's a no-win situation. But it's kids being kids and I thought it'd be fun to post it.

Me at work. Yeah, `you should never leave me without work to do. I find all sorts of silly things to do. This day I pulled out my camera phone and decided to take a picture of myself. The phone survived (always a good thing). Friends have asked if I just have the right arm - of course, I do have a left arm. It was holding the camera phone. Can you imagine a one-armed legal secretary? I suppose though if a one-armed paper hanger can make it work....don't look too close. I turn 47 next month!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegads!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I tell ya what - I can type at the speed of light, file pleadings, set depositions, handle my corner of the legal world but God knows I cannot figure a computer out to save my soul. For some reason, IE has decided it and CyberDefender will NOT play nice. Now, Firefox and CyberDefender can get along - but, of course, not Internet Explorer. It has taken me the last few weeks to figure out how to import bookmarks from IE to Firefox so I can at least post!! Please, can't we all just get along? ha ha.

The infamous RMan. We all call him that cuz we met when I needed someone to put a radiator in my former vehicle. Someone said, "you need to talk to" and there ya have it. He still lives in the country and I was born and raised in the city and so there are some differences in what I think and what he thinks when it comes to what you do and don't do when dating someone. One big emotional issue is whether he's gonna take the walls down he's built up from being hurt from his own divorce - she left him after 24 years for someone else - that occurred 2 years ago. My arms get awfully tired sometimes of trying to get over those walls. Then other days I can see where they are coming down some. I don't know. I do know the God we serve, that knows when a sparrow falls from the Earth, knows the number of hairs on our heads - and sits on His throne in all His glory - also will guide and direct my pathway with His word as my lantern. So, even though I worry I really shouldn't. God has a plan; I just need to make sure I follow it.

And remember the infamous Bunny?! Yup - this is her. She has been telling everyone she "wants" RMan and wants to be his girlfriend. Her MySpace page is full of songs like - "My Heart Can't Tell Me No" (Rod Stewart); "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" (ditto) and other songs like that. This woman is 3 years YOUNGER than I am!! RMan says he considers her a friend and so far, friends and family back him up. I have already explained to him if he plans to date someone else, not trying to be rude, but she dang sure better be prettier than I am cuz, you know, I have an "image". He rolled his eyes and muttered, "I AIN'T gonna date Bunny - EVER"and I think I heard the words "high maintenance" in there....