Saturday, May 3, 2008

That is what my body keeps asking me! What are you feeding me? I finally decided to get busy and lose the last few pounds I need to lose. "Why?" you may be asking me (mentally, of course cuz if you're asking me out loud, I can't hear you). Hmmm....

Let's start with those nagging weight loss commercials that are driving me nuts. What's up with, "I went from a size 14 to a size 2. I'm no longer fat!" HELLO! I AM a size 14, thank you.

Of course, the doctor saying, "do you want to get busy and finish your weight loss?" prompted me as well. I have to have hernia repair surgery this summer and if I get the rest of my weight off, he's gonna do a tummy tuck while he's repairing the hernia. I know they say to give yourself rewards for losing weight so I'm all for this. (Of course, my idea of a reward is more like vanilla ice cream being licked off my toes by George Clooney, Oh, sorry; ignore that last part. Once I typed the words "vanilla ice cream" I lost all common sense...sigh). You'd think IF the doc would just go ahead and do the tummy tuck, I might not need the weight loss but then he babbles on about blood pressure, cholesterol...(yawn) but I tuned in when the mean ole man said, "no weight loss, no free tummy tuck." Hmm, and men say WE are difficult! I go. and so far I've lost 5 pounds. But still, when I look down at my dinner plate, I sure do relate to what Cookie Monster is saying....

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