Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So I'm working this week on stopping to smell the roses. I don't do too well with it - I am type A from the word "go". I get frustrated easily because there is so much stress in my life with family illnesses and then...

RMan tells me today I have deciphered some comments he has made lately incorrectly. But he won't tell me what they are. I HATE THAT. Monday he was supposed to come eat dinner - couldn't, worked late. Tuesday he was supposed to come eat dinner - couldn't, worked late. Ditto for tonight although he calls at 6:30PM and actually is off and on his way home. Personally, I figured if he wanted to eat with me, tonight would have been the night. Now, we have a date for Sunday so it's not that I won't see him; I just don't understand why he hasn't been over (well, I do for Mon and Tues night).

All I can think to do is not ask him to dinner during the week anymore. I mean, why bother? I am going on the assumption that I'll see him on weekends and that's it. Now, that is fine but if that is what he wants, why doesn't he tell me instead of making plans that he cancels? He always calls while he's working late but I just don't understand.

Anywho, next week I start a training class to learn to teach illiterate adults to read and write. It's a 3 week training program and then for 6 months, 2 hours per week, I will tutor someone. I know that's a long commitment but I am hoping I get someone who really wants to learn and will let me teach them and that way, we both make a difference in each other's lives.

And I guess I'll plan some stuff for a couple of other nights and then if RMan asks, my answer will be, "got plans". I don't get it but I guess it's still a game, even at our age and I'll just have to play it.


andersons said...

like i said before he sounds like a jerk!!!!! i would not make my self available to him, not even on Sunday.

Kate Brotherson said...

ok, RMan needs to grow up and learn how to communicate. your relationship is not going to go anywhere unless you two learn how to communicate. if not, it will be a long hard road ahead. don't let him off the hook. make him tell you WHAT you interpreted incorrectly and discuss through it.Good luck! :)