Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MySpace Comments - AngelsI need an angel to come whisper in my ear and tell me everything will be okay. Yesterday, we found my sister's husband also has lung cancer. My sister has stage iii but so far it hasn't metastised to any other place. Her husband, my brother-in-law, has stage iv lung cancer. He has two spots in his right lung, a mass on his spine, it's in his descending aorta, his sternum, his spleen and his stomach. You'd never know it to look at him. He looks healthy and strong.

Wow, I am in such shock. I feel drained and depressed and just want to crawl into my bed, put the blanket over my head and sleep...but I can't. Life goes on, so I have to go work every day, help my 14 year old son work through all of this (these are the aunt and uncle he is closest to) and help one of my nephews who is in a verbally abusive/emotionally depleted, co-dependent marriage and can't find the energy or strength to leave and now BOTH his parents have a terminal illness.

You blink and your life changes, for sure.

MySpace Layouts - Angels

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your family. Sometimes life really bites. It seems like when ever I am down and feeling bad for myself I see someone who as much bigger trials than I. Wow it makes me so thankful for what I have! Trust in the Lord and things will work out the way they should. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.